There are many stars in the sky, but even at night we can barely see most – at least not if we are in an urban area. However there are...

Some places have hills. Some have mountains. It is only from the height of which that we gain understanding and a way to differentiate...

Breathing techniques are abundant nowadays, through the dissemination of Buddhism and the internets. Simply by concentrating on breathing...

There are many who believe that the mind is more powerful than any weapon. That the pen is mightier than the sword. These people are...

Toilet Rolls
I know I scoffed at the idea of toilet rolls going off, but my toilet roll went off today. Maybe it needs to be kept in the fridge,...

Even toilet paper has a sell-by date. Down to the last minute. What would happen if left too long? Would it explode? Could rats get...

Breeding is a fact of life, one that is most natural. All babies come as a result of breeding. However breeding done in a lab is not. ...

An Understanding of Good and Evil
It is just as well we have free will, otherwise we would all be robots and Arnie would come from a different dimension to kill us. We...

Freezing People
It has been very hot recently. This actually kills some people – probably if they can’t sweat enough or if they sweat too much. People...

Leisure Time
There are centres, books, and of course practitioners of the art of ripping people off: all in the need of relaxation. We are told that...