
Breeding is a fact of life, one that is most natural. All babies come as a result of breeding. However breeding done in a lab is not. Dolly the sheep was the first realisation of unnatural, genetic breeding. Breeding could theoretically produce strange beings, completely novel ones not of God’s or nature’s natural basis. They could make Martians, they could be freaks, ones whose only life could be dedicated to the circus.
What have Geneticists been doing all this time? Have they secretly been working to breed humans? Or better yet – jelly babies?
If we are able to create life, are we on the same level as God? Could we re-write the genetic code to make our own Adam and Eve; our own Eden? Things could get complicated and convenient if we could engineer life and our world in a way that could give us beef-burgers and opium without any down-point, or lack of sin. At the moment we are prohibited by laws and religious inclinations that make us unable for progression and carnal bliss. The future is unknown. It is perhaps glorious and ungodly. It is perhaps a world with immortality and infinite pleasure. I am not sure where it will go, but there are a lot of possibilities. I think we should be careful. I also think we should make things as good as they can. Perhaps God is rooting for us. Perhaps we must go our own way. On our own.