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There are many stars in the sky, but even at night we can barely see most – at least not if we are in an urban area. However there are those, mainly dead now, but still a community of people – who we might term quacks – who think the study of the stars can tell us much about the future, or even a science in which we can heal others. Astrotherapy is a form of therapy which can be used to diagnose and treat emotional or behavioural problems. Is this psychiatry for those who don’t believe in it? A holistic treatment for something which normally you might take drugs for? Indeed how might one keep their spirit healthy? What drugs, vitamins or exercise is there for the spirit?

Religion seems to be the answer. The Holy Spirit is there for us, to keep us moral, pious, and well. Cultivating our spirit is done through the practice of prayer, through servitude and godliness. And since cleanliness is next to godliness, should we all become cleaners and spend our time making sure everything is spick and span?

Astrotherapy itself integrates two other sciences: astrology and clinical psychotherapy. Should we all then purchase telescopes and read the signs of the stars? In the old world, astrologers were otherwise known as magicians. They were respected and people followed their advice. The modern day world may have evolved from some of their knowledge and decisions. If an ancient human came to the modern world, would he see much that he thought to be magic? Would he still want to read the knowledge in the stars? Or has that era now passed?

But still, we must question such things. Will we be closer to God from studying the heavens? And may being good Christians help us become more healthy? Some people may think so.

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