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The Spanish-Lingo

Olé or so the footie-fans say is a Spanish word. Clearly it has made a big impact on modern society.

The Spanish people, advanced when compared to the Incas and the Aztecs went out from Europe to South America and tried to kill them and steal from them. This probably wasn’t their hey-day but at least they were teaching them a new language. The Spanish, although they thought themselves doing great work for their country and for their God, were terrible to the people of South and Middle America.

Trying to learn Spanish, as I have been is quite tricky for a number of reasons. They leave out words sometimes, sometimes they stick extra ones in and the word for right and straight on is exactly the same.

This is a serious problem for Spanish speakers nowadays, as people who might be asking for directions - they won’t know when to turn right and went to keep going straight on.

Maybe using Duolingo is the problem. It is great for learning vocab but at the level I’m at now, the jump to using the past tense and incorporating all the other lessons is a big one. For an app that is free and can teach you Klingon, I appreciate it, but unfortunately I don’t see myself being fluent in the language any time soon.

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