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The Mind

The mind is a mysterious thing. Is it real? Has it been invented by scientists just to make them look good and us to look foolish? Are they making it up?

Apparently we think with it. If so what does the brain do and are the two interlinked? I bet if you chopped someone up you wouldn’t be able to find it. At least it was never in one of my anatomy books when I was at medical school.

According to Scientology, it connects our spiritual self (which again is a very hazy non-definable thing) with the environment. According to psychology it is how we think, the thing that knows where we are and what we are doing. Just as well we have one.

I am doing a mindfulness course at the moment; about how we think and about our mental state. But no one there seems to know what the mind is. Consciousness…awareness…thought. These are all words which may be little understood. But the good thing is: if we can think about what we are thinking and know that we are doing it, we are therefore a higher level of being than a monkey. So at least there’s that.

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