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The Other Half

There are those whose lives cannot be imagined, particularly by the middle classes. Those are of the very poor and the very rich and those at different times in history. If travelling back to the past was possible or to the future, again it would be massive culture shock and an education in both decadence and poverty. It is strange to think that peoples lives could be unimaginable or so different.

The Roman Emperors are a case in point. It is amazing to think that one man could live like that: to think you are a god; that you are the best and most revered man in the world; that you rule everyone and you can have everything in life - apart from an iPad of course. Commodus was among the most arrogant. He named the months of the year after his ever growing list of megalomaniacal names. He fought as a gladiator, fighting wounded men and animals and charging the public vast amounts to see him. And thus he thought himself the best gladiator in the world. Assassination in the end was not inexplicable.

Roman emperors were clearly corrupted by their power – Nero burnt Christians on stakes just so he had a source of light at night. And for this we are told some people – such as Dr. Faustus - sold their souls for power and happiness.

If this is what the human emperors did, what then did they expect of their gods? Life for most must have been very hard. This however makes you appreciate the modern world much more. God nowadays is a lot nicer. No one expects to be punished like Job even if they are evil.

Trump likewise seems to be modest and kind in comparison – when judged against past rulers; and how people were treated by those who could not understand their suffering. In an elected government, you would have thought Caligula et al would not have been elected. Thankfully they did not have nuclear bombs: presumably the world would have been destroyed long ago if the Romans had possessed them. Would Trump have been assassinated/or worse -would he have done things the same as Commodus or Nero if he was Caesar?

Is this what everyone would do if they were given the birth, the power the fawning sycophants around them? Is it genes? Do we thus have to embark on a major genetic engineering program?

Life is much improved regardless of Brexit or Trump. Even if there is injustice and inequality in the current world, lives much different from stacking shelves in Sainsburys, it makes you grateful that we as a species and society have come so far.

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