I saw my dentist in town today. Well, my ex-dentist. I don’t know what happens to them after they retire – maybe they turn into werewolves or something. Do they miss picking at peoples teeth and pulling them out?
She worked on a street with about 6 other dentists with her husband – also a dentist. Whether they did everything together or just shared an interest in pain, I am also ignorant of. It took me a while to remember where I knew her from, so her dentistry hasn’t marked with any sort of indelible impression. Or maybe I’m repressing memories.
I had a Calzone today aswell. I’m not sure what a dentist would say about that. I enjoyed it though. I heard you’re not supposed to put tomato in it but for a folded up pizza it surely is a must. Likewise Cornish pasties (basically English Calzone) are not supposed to have carrots in them. But they all do. Probably because they taste better that way. The people who make up the rules are just wrong.